Corns and Calluses

Corns and Calluses are a hard build up of skin to toughen an area where there is increased pressure or friction on the foot, such as a bony prominence. Although these conditions are sometimes confused, they are not the same. 
Corns are smaller than calluses and are most commonly found on the top, outside or between the toes.  They have a hard center and can be painful.  Calluses usually develop on the bottom of the foot, commonly on the ball and heel.  They can feel rough or waxy, but rarely cause severe pain.

What Causes Corns and Calluses to Form?
Corns and Calluses form as a protection against friction and pressure.  Ill fitting shoes are often the culprit.
The development of painful corns and calluses can also be symptoms of underlying foot disorders, such as foot deformities, bunions, or hammertoes.  These conditions can create a bony prominence to rub against a shoe or other toes.

Caution to People with Diabetes
Special care of all foot problems is particularly important for people with diabetes.  Never try to treat corns or calluses yourself, seek the advice of a podiatric physician.

Treatment Options
Treatment Options depend on the severity of the corn or callous and if there is an underlying foot disorder.  Treatments can range from just recommending a wider more comfortable shoe to paring down the thicken skin with a scalpel or grinder to surgery if necessary.    We suggest you never use a medicated corn pad or any corn removing product.  These contain acids which can destroy normal healthy skin surrounding the corn or callous.